
Jirel Book Cover: Creative Platypus

  I used one of my own drawings as a template for an AI bonanza. Starryai has gotten much more sophisticated over the past 6 months. We'll see what happens if I up the use of my template from a mere 50 percent to something higher, however. Then it was actually be an artistic tool.

Jirel of Joiry: Creative Platypus

 A little Mignola influence on these. Jirel is here based on French actress Marine Vetch. Guillaume is Dev Patel. The wizard is cribbed from Frazzeta. 

Jirel of Joiry: Creative Platypus


Jirel of Joiry: Creative Platypus


Jirel of Joiry: Creative Platypus

  I'm reading a history of Sword and Sorcery, and it's only increased my respect for C.L. Moore and her stunning creation: Jirel of Joiry. 

Mutant Chronicles: Updated Pic


Mutant Chronicles: Platypus Nostalgia

  Brotherhood Valkyrie in a light mech. I assume she keeps a robe in the cockpit or with her pit crew, but the wimple has to stay to mark her vocation even in the thick of battle.