Why We Need Link: Platypus Nostalgia
I've written before on the role "The Legend of Zelda" series played in my childhood. It was link with his little 8-bit shield that first awoke the call to adventure within me. Role playing through his world of simple good and evil began to build a certain mindset: when there's a wrong to be righted, we must stand up and right it no matter the personal cost. In the midst of all the puzzle solving and button mashing, I was learning what it meant to be a hero. Maybe that sounds like an impoverished childhood, but it never stopped me from reading or going outside and playing too. In fact, the one fed the other. The stories in our video games gave us something to play outside, and our childish attempts at adventure in the forests of New England brought us a new appreciation for the sub-created worlds of "The Legend of Zelda," "Secret of Mana," "Final Fantasy," and "Dragon Warrior." All this came back to my mind when I ...