Millennials and Es Meson
The Greeks of Classical Athens had a habit they called es meson or "putting it in the middle." To make a matter or a person es meson was to bring them up for public scrutiny and debate. Athens moderate climate favored this habit by encouraging as much of life as possible to take place out doors in a common area. Thus even the homes of wealthy Athenians were relatively sparse, and wealth was often displayed in out-door public works projects that could be enjoyed by citizenry as a whole. Along with the geographical climate, the political climate favored es meson as well. Athens, during most of the Classical Era, was a democracy and, as thinkers from time immemorial have noted, democracies favor institutions that allow the franchise holder to have his say; a say on everything . The modern United States is a vast and geographically diverse country separated from Classical Athens by about 2,500 years. Nevertheless, we also have a democratic habit of e...