World Traveling Platypus

I will be in Africa from December 12th to around January 13th. As such, the Platypus will be taking a month-long sabbatical from posting. Fortunately, the Truth is still the Truth whether the Platypus is there to say it or not. In the meantime, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!


slowlane said…
I promissed Lasselanta that I would package a hug and have you take it to her for me. I hope you still have enough room in your things for it to fit.
James said…
We'll see what I can do.
luminarumbra said…
Stay safe on your trip, Jim!
Linds said…
Oh, enjoy your time in Africa! I'm so bummed this means we won't get to see you when we're in LA before Christmas, but I'm soooo glad you get to go! If you see any cool Africa post cards while you're there, pick them up for my classroom. I'll pay you back!

Say hi to the beautiful redhead for Nate and I. :)
James said…
Will do! ;-) I'll miss seeing you guys!

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