
Showing posts from October, 2006

The Platypus Suspends Tea Bags

I just wanted to let you all know that my pastor used Soren Kierkegaard and the Suspension of the Ethical in Sunday's sermon. I nearly stood up and cheered. That is all. For now...

Strange Platypus(es) Part VI

"There is a thought that stops all thought." -G. K. Chesterton I found my own generation marked by a pronounced skepticism. Now that I am teaching, I find that in my students skepticism has run its course: they have become skeptical of skepticism. All that remains in apathy. It's as if we're burning out with each new generation until there's nothing left: ashes to be ground under foot by a coming world that has more fire in its belly.

Platypus Rain

Rain, Rain, Rain, we love rain! Splash, splash, splash! Fun, fun, fun! -Invader Zim More substantive thoughts to follow. Now I must go out and drive in it.

Platypus Ups and Downs

I've been sick for most of the past week and this weekend. Barring any sudden down-turns, I should be up and running again on Monday.