Strange Platypus(es) Part VI

"There is a thought that stops all thought."
-G. K. Chesterton

I found my own generation marked by a pronounced skepticism. Now that I am teaching, I find that in my students skepticism has run its course: they have become skeptical of skepticism. All that remains in apathy. It's as if we're burning out with each new generation until there's nothing left: ashes to be ground under foot by a coming world that has more fire in its belly.


Graf Spee said…
"Apathy! Apathy! A... P... A... Nevermind.
James said…
Linds said…
Couldn't have said it better myself, Jim. The apathy this year has somehow been more overwhelming to me than before - or maybe I'm just getting worn down too much after only three years. We've bequeathed apathy to this generation. How do we tell them it's wrong when we've been feeding them cowardly nihilism for decades?
James said…
My thoughts exactly. We can get through to them if we model something different, but that's really hard to do in a classroom where you can't focus on individual needs and hone in on deeply rooted bad ideas. We need the dialectic, but again, apathy rears its ugly head every step of the way.

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