The Platypus Paints (Someday...)

Three years ago, two friends of mine decided that I needed to expand my hobby interests. For years, I've collected and painted miniatures for relaxation and as a way of beatifying my office space. I collected them for the craft, and without much concern for the games in which they were meant to be used as pieces. My two friends, however, thought that my interests stopped just short of some real fun. They thus decided not to rest until, via birthday and Christmas presents, I had a entire playable army of my own. This Christmas, they've officially done it. I am now the proud owner of a 2,000 point High Elf army. So a word of thanks to the guys who "presented" me into the world of table-top war-gaming. Next time you're in town, we'll have a go at it. Of course the best thing about having a 2,000 point army? More models to paint! ;-) At least as soon as I heal up enough to do a little painting... :-P

*The Picture is taken from the "Warhammer: High Elves" rule book.


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