Narnia Platypus

So, I got to see "Prince Caspian" for my birthday. It was as good as I had hoped, and I think that I might (heresy of heresies!) have liked it better than the book. One way or another, it was a thoroughly solid adaptation. The clincher is that the movie feels like Narnia all the way through. Though I greatly appreciate Peter Jackson's adaptation of "The Lord of the Rings," I can't say it did as much. I'm going to put that firmly on Gresham's heavy involvement with the film. If you get a chance, I'd recommend seeing the film and then reading Gresham's biography of Lewis "Jack's Life" just so that you can see the points where Lewis "enters" the film via Gresham.

As a final note, "The Voyage of the Dawntreader" is in pre-pro, and this second strong showing gives me great hope for the series.


Linds said…
Oh, Jim, Jim, my dear friend! How can we have been writing partners and yet have such completely different opinions on a film remarkably similar to our collaborative effort? :)
James said…
'cause I'm really easy to please when it comes to adaptations and you have refined taste combined with strong technical knowledge and experience in the world of film?
James said…
Just to qualify, I think it turned out to be a good loose (versus strict) adaptation of the book into the genre of the summer blockbuster. I would have made different choices if I were trying to adapt it into a play. I guess the questions are "what do we want out of an adaptation in general?" and "what was the goal/goals of this adaptation in particular?"

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