And like to coins, some true, some light, but every one of you stamped with the image of the King. -Tennyson, The Holy Grail There are experiences that "stamp" a person for life. Whatever they may be, these events are so life-altering that they set those who experience them apart from the rest of humanity. No matter what your character, appearance, or circumstances are, something about you is different from those who haven't been "stamped." Conversely, no matter how unalike you may be, you have a bond with anyone who has had experienced the same. They know. They've been there. They "get it." Discussing Tennyson's Idylls of the King with my students has led me to coin a new term: "Round Table experience." These are periods of profound communal interaction that dramatically shape our character for good or ill. It's those moments when you feel part of something bigger than yourself; when you enter into fellowship at ...