Moulin Rouge on its 10th Anniversary: Film Platypus
The visually stunning film "Moulin Rouge" was released at the turn of this past century and was set exactly one-hundred years prior. I was in college at the time of its release and I remember "Moulin Rouge" taking the film majors by storm. Like the oily Ziedler, it had them all exclaiming "Spectacular! Spectacular!" Ten years and a decade of advance in visual effects later, I was curious to see how the film has held up. Upon viewing it again, "Moulin Rouge" is still the singular sensational cinematic event it was when it first hit the screen. After being visually blown away and rather embarrassed by all the pseudo-Victorian naughtiness I had forgotten about (PG-13? Really? PG 13?!?) I had to sit down and ask what made this eclectic musical and cinematic collage work? After all, all the costumes are period perfect, but the music is a hodge-podge of contemporary rock songs with a nod to Rodgers and Hammerstein and a few shots at Walt Di...