Some Excellent Events in the Houston Area (Busy Platypus)

There have been some interesting goings-on in the greater Houston area this past month that are worthy of note.

First, the Lanier Theological Library is back in full swing with a new season of lectures.  If you can make it out to this wonderful little replica of the Duke Humphrey, it's well worth your time.  Can't get to North Houston?  The lectures are posted on the website here.  The library is also offering a Hebrew reading course with their visiting scholar, Dr. Tov.

Second, Wheastone Ministries, Dr. John-Mark Reynolds of Houston Baptist University, and Providence Classical School partnered up on Friday to host an amazing event for parents who are seeking to classically educate their children.

Houston is one of the fastest growing cities in the U.S., and it will be interesting to watch what happens over the next decade as more institutions and individuals from other areas are drawn there to connect and collaborate.


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