Contemplating Summer Reading: The Platypus Reads Part CXII

It's mid-April (the cruelest month), and Summer is still a month-and-a-half-away.  Nonetheless, sunny days and vacation time are beginning to peak at last over the horizon and my mind is contemplating 2013's course of Summer Reading.

On the docket:

A return to "The Summer of Shannara" with Terry Brooks' prequel The First King of Shannara

Liveblogging my read through Robert E. Howard's Conan stories

Learning a little more about the Spartans with Paul Cartledge's Spartan Reflections (I'm reading his The Spartans now).

Going back to world of historiography with Confessing History, a series of essays on practicing the historian's craft written by Christian historians.

Keeping up on my Tolkien with Caldecott's The Power of the Ring (formally released as The Secret Fire)

I have a trip to New England (Home, The Motherland) planned this summer so reading on Puritan New England will continue until moral improves (I'm already working on Demos' Entertaining Satan and Ryken's Worldly Saints).

As you know, what actually gets read never matches my initial prospectus, but that's ok.  We'll see which volumes make to awards time in August.


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