The Platypus of Truth 2013 Review

It's a new year of blogging here at Platypus of Truth, and what better way to begin the new year than with a review of last year's posts.  Let's note that 2013 was the busiest year yet with 117 posts.  That's a full 14 (or two weeks worth) more than the already record-breaking 2012.  Two things helped fuel this phenomenal spike in content: another "Summer of Shannara" and trips to Italy and New England.

The New "Summer of Shannara" starts here.
"Italian Reflections" begins here.
"New England Reflections" begins here.

Platypus of Truth has always been more of a literary blog than anything else, but I have enjoyed my foray into travel blogging.  Since all that travel has left available funds rather low, I don't know if I'll have a chance to do any more of this sort of blogging in 2014.  Still, you never know what the future holds.  One new thing that I tried this year that didn't cost anything was posting "Fragments," or little lyrical pieces that never found a home in a larger post.

On a glassworks in my hometown.
On New England and the Eschaton.
On Autumn and St. Augustine.
On looking out over the valley to Monroe.
On the problems of communication.

It's been a long time since I posted any real poetry on this blog, but 2013 was also a year for poetry with a few odd pieces on themes old and new.

On the Angel of Hadley, William Goffe.
At the Icon Exhibit.
The Last of the Darjeeling.
Our Lady of the Wastes.
What Kassandra Said.
At the Oxford Martyr's Shrine.

Finally, it wasn't poetical, but I did enjoy this little form-follows-function review of Umberto Eco's Foucault's Pendulum.

That's the year in review at Platypus of Truth.  All told, 2013 was a great year for blogging with a diversity of topics and forms.  I can't wait to see what new adventures in writing await in 2014.  Until then, remember: the Platypus speaks Truth. 


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