I quit teaching after 12 years spent in 3 private schools across 2 states. This article comes as close as any I've found to saying why. I'll add that my therapist also told me that it was quite literally killing me even though I was a rock star teacher and loved the kids. American education, K-Phd., public, private and homeschool, is thoroughly corrupt, predatory, and extremely damaging to most students and most teachers.


Geoff said…
Hey, we met like 5 years ago at a private school conference in Houston. Louis Markos spoke there. You and I talked about literature, hermeneutics, and The Legend of Zelda. I appreciated meeting you and your wife.

I still teach, but your experience as described by the article does resonate with me. Shoot me an email if you'd like to chat about it. It's not only isolating to teach unless you have a super stoic attitude, but it's also isolating to quit something that feels so important. I'm sorry it wore on you so hard and I'm also glad you found a way out of it.
James said…
Hey Geoff, I certainly do remember you! Thanks for dropping by. I'm glad you've found grace to stay in the game. Good teachers do make a difference in the lives of individual students and co-workers even if the system mutes so of it or wears them down.

I think you're right about the walking away from it, though my health and overall wellbeing began improving dramatically the day after my last day. The real bear in this economy is transitioning to something else. Unless you want to go into insurance or sales, a former teacher needs to recredential and recertify to have a shot at anything.
Geoff said…
Hey, Geoff again.

I've found myself leaving as well. Thankfully, I had a job offer for something that used a lot of the administrative skills I'd acquired along the way. But yeah, something ended up being the last straw for me despite all the positive outcomes occurring, so I'll give my resignation soon after I officially am hired. I'm still willing to talk about the classical education system/process if you're ever interested.

James said…
Hey Geoff, it's a bad time for the whole industry and Covid is like throwing kerosene on the fire. I'm glad you've found a job where some of your skills can transfer. I'm on the hunt again myself. May God bless this new chapter in your life!

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