The Platypus and "Bling"

This week I'm like Aaron Burr
the way I drop Hamiltons $$$

I'm a rich man.

I was thinking today about
how I would explain my life
in the States to one of the Oroko
farmers I met this January.

I own a car. $BLING!$

I live in apartment in the
city with a large living room,
TV, DVD, vcr, sound system;
indoor kitchen with electric stove,
fridge, and microwave;bathroom with
a bathtub and shower; a bedroom
and an office, with computer; the
entire floor is carpeted and the large windows
are solid glass with electricity 24/7.
$Livin' Large$

I eat out at restaurants more than
once a week and drive there with
my car which I just had serviced
when it wasn't even broken.

I make enough money to live in a
palacial walled compound in the
capitol of Cameroon.

Normally, I'd feel secretly guilty about
this. In my country, I'm a poor man
struggling to get by, yet compared to the
rest of the world I have so much.

Today, I don't feel that way.

Today I feel immensely blessed and happy
to just be a "Big Man" for a day and hold
my head up high. You see, even as I'm
trying to calculate and weigh every penny
to make sure I have enough, I'm still a
very rich man.

Oh, I am the rich man, deedle, deedle,
deedle, deedle, deedle, dee!

It's all about the Hamiltons baby!


Linds said…
That's so awesome -- I need to be reminded of that perspective more often, mostly now that I'm living in an extremely expensive region and teaching at a school where money is used to blow people's noses. :)

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