The Platypus Rolls On

With the "Iliad" finished, my students are now moving into our textbook unit on Ancient Greece. Already, I can see that they understand the information at a deeper level than in the past. Beyond that, the literature teacher has also caught the Classical infection, and is having the students read "Antigone" before they launch into the Odyssey in February. That means that if my plan to do a unit on the "Aeneid" at the end of the year goes through, the 9th and 10th graders will have four classical works under their belts. That's a good, solid start.


Linds said…
I'm immensely jealous.
James said…
Yeah, to be honest, I had your Bede unit in mind when I decided to give this a try, and I've kept it in mind whenever I've hit snags: "But Lindsay has here kids read Bede!!!"

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