Rage, Platypus- Sing the Rage of...

Today marks the end of my experimental "Iliad" unit for my 9th and 10th graders. We have just finished 24 days of Homer. On the whole, I think it was a resounding success. I only had one small-scale mutiny to put down, and many great moments to offset it. In addition, several kids positively caught fire. One of them even picked up Dante's "Inferno" on his own initiative and is eating it up. I'm busy writing down a final lesson plan set for the unit that I'll be putting on file. If all goes well, I'll be doing the "Aeneid" with them at the end of next semester. Meanwhile, we'll see how they do with the "Odyssey" for the English teacher.

Great Books Work!


Linds said…
Please tell me I can get a copy of your lesson plan for the unit. :)
James said…
I'm doing my final write-up on it and I can send it to you as soon as I'm done.

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