Coming to the End of Calvin and Hobbes: The Platypus Reads Part CCLXXI
I finished There's Treasure Everywhere last night and began It's a Magical World . About half way through the first book I began to feel apprehensive. As my reading progressed, it became harder and harder to turn the page. The reason is simply that it's coming to an end. I already know what the last comic will be and can picture it clearly in my mind. After that, there's nothing more. The dynamic duo sled off into the morning sunlight and are gone. The art and imagination evident in the last three Calvin and Hobbes treasuries is astounding. Here is where Watterson finally has enough creative control to go all-out with his vision of comic book excellence. In truth, he probably had a few years of creative productivity still to go. His decision to end Calvin and Hobbes at its peak is bittersweet. On the one hand, what we have is pristine -the work of art as it was meant to be. On the other hand, there is the Iliadic sen...