Chains: Creative Platypus
There are chains we make and
Chains we break
All praise to God, the maker
and breaker
of chains!
Whatsoever ye bind on earth
Shall be bound in Heaven
and whatsoever ye loose on earth
Shall be loosed in Heaven
Praise be to God who sets
The captives free and
Binds rebel angels in the
Lake of Fire
Which is the Second Death!
Can you bind the Pleiades
or Loose the cords of Orion?
Praise then the God who set
The stars on course when Jael
Smote Sisera.
There are chains we make and
Chains we break
All praise to God, the maker
and breaker
of chains!
Whatsoever ye bind on earth
Shall be bound in Heaven
and whatsoever ye loose on earth
Shall be loosed in Heaven
Praise be to God who sets
The captives free and
Binds rebel angels in the
Lake of Fire
Which is the Second Death!
Can you bind the Pleiades
or Loose the cords of Orion?
Praise then the God who set
The stars on course when Jael
Smote Sisera.