Pocketwatch Follow-Up: Strange Platypus(es)

John Mark Reynolds over at The Scriptorium Daily admits to experimenting with Victorian garb at the office in this article.  Kudos to Dr. Reynolds for pushing boundaries and reclaiming the older aesthetic.


Joi said…
I've been going to his Fantasy Lit meta-Torrey classes in steampunk garb this semester. It's been fun, and nice to have a space to dress like that without having to feel like it's just a costume.
James said…
Yeah. If you can't have space to experiment with dress, then how can there be any real conversation on fashion? It just becomes an economic game played by a small elite in New York and L.A. Fashions used to be set at salons and other small, artistic and literary gatherings among clicks of those devoted to pursuing the good life. Those gatherings were still fairly elitist, but they had to include a broader range of conversation partners than the modern fashion industry does. In addition, they could always be aped by the middle class and so eventually add more people to the conversation. Wow, that sounded rambling a pseudo-intellectual. Hopefully there's something in there that makes sense.

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