The Platypus Reviews 2011

This past year represented an unprecedented jump in the number of posts here at "The Platypus of Truth."  Now that 2012 has begun, the official total is fixed at 93.  This blows 2010's 66 posts out of the water and sets the bar high for the new year.  The main culprits seem to be my treks through Terry Brooks' "Elfstones of Shannara" and "Wishsong of Shannara," "The Mammoth Book of Fantasy," and a gloss of Tennyson's "The Passing of Arthur."  Since "The Platypus of Truth" primarily serves as a venue for my literary musings, that's not surprising.

There were some other trends this year at "The Platypus of Truth," however.  For instance, 2011 saw a return to meditations on video and computer games especially new favorites Starcraft II, and Titan Quest, and old faithfuls Final Fantasy III, and The Legend of Zelda.  Branching out a bit, I also attempted a look at the state of the field in light of "Dragon Age" and "Bioshock."

Beyond video games, 2011 saw several forays into the world of film including an attempt to set down my favorite films, and retrospectives on Moulin Rouge and Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.  Indeed, by mid-year there were enough film reviews to warrant the creation of a new label: "film platypus."  I'm no expert on film, but I was glad to see that several of the posts sparked conversation and got a link or two.

Finally, 2011 saw some meditations on art and culture in the city of Houston.  I still miss the Getty (both of them), The Huntington Gardens, The LACMA, and the Museum of Jurassic Technology, but the Lanier Theological Library, the Houston Ballet, and The MFAH are nothing to sniff at.

Well, that's a short assessment of the past year over here at "The Platypus of Truth."  No big controversies, no grand causes, just a good, long chat over at the quiet end of Lake Blogosphere.  May 2012 be a blessed year for you all and remember: the platypus speaks truth.   


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