New England Reflections (Cont.): The Platypus Travels Part XXXV

View of the Housatonic River from Indian Wells State Park.  We're here.

And as I pondered
By the pilgrim path
So many feet had trod,
Far away,
The daughters of the river god
Still sang:

Wei la lei
Wei la lei

I who have known Shepaug, and Pomperaug, Naugatuk,
I catch the good pastor's tears,
For his daughter's
To Kahnawake,
To La Prairie,
And will not return.

Wei wei la
Wei wei la la

I knew the little mill town when the
Robber baron smiled
He tried to sway me
Captain of industry
But I was a good girl
But I was a good girl

Wei la la
Wei la

O daughters of the river,
Tell me
For you know
And only
the rumor
Reaches me
In Babylon
In La Prarie:
Are the leaves still burning,
Tell me, are the leaves still burning?
Can they teach me how to burn?


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