The Platypus Expectant

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up;
do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the desert, and streams
of water in the wasteland.

Isaiah 43

God moves with the inexorability of a flood; a flash flood in the desert that cuts channels through plains, shatters hills and breaks mountains. Aeschylus knew this. He saw the power of God roaring like a lion, and gathering like distant thunder. He understood that He was the wild one: the one who is truly free from all restraint because he is Law Himself. Awesome, inexorable, his thunder-strokes beat against desert of the human condition and in their violence transform a wasteland into a fertile plain. If only Aeschylus had know that it was so much more than pain. If God is awesome in His judgment, how much more so in His grace! He makes things flourish where once there was nothing; and who shall stop Him? He pardons the sinner whose sins are unpardonable; and who shall gainsay Him? Look there and you'll see it! Oh be attuned to Him by His grace or you shall miss it! Was there sorrow yesterday? Did all your hopes seem thwarted? Turn away from the past, for He makes all things new. Something exciting is afoot... Pass on the secret. Cry it out from the hilltops. Look where it comes! Have you ever seen anything like it? That is the work of the Wild One! His laughter is the deepest bliss of His children and the terror of hell for His enemies. Look there while you can, for the day is coming when no one will be able to miss it!


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