The Platypus Returns

I've been busy (to say the least) over the past few days. My travels are not quite over yet as I still have to return from seeing my brother graduate in Thousand Oaks. In the meantime I've been to Thousand Oaks, Santa Barbara, Fresno, Yosemite, La Mirada and back to Thousand Oaks again. Hopefully, as my travels wind up I will be able to go back to regular posting. I hope you have been able to enjoy the posts that are already up there over the past few days while I've been away. In the future, I may be putting up more devotional thoughts if it interests you all. In the meantime, the Platypus knows what the travel is all about, but he's keeping quiet. Good Platypus, nice Platypus...


lasselanta said…
The "good platypus, nice platypus" doesn't happen to have relatives that resemble little birds, does he?
James said…
Hmmm... Well, he does have the duck bill...

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