Uzbek Platypus
So there are no Platypi in Uzbekistan either... Doesn't matter. The Platypus still likes Ploff and Russian Chocolate. So I made Ploff and Shashlik today. What is that, you ask? Read: piloff and shishkabobs. It's the Uzbek version of the rice piloff and kebob you get at Daphne's. Mmmm... pan Agean-Turkish cuisine... I cheated a bit and used Rice-a-Roni piloff, but I did grate in the carrot and slice up the steak. No nan (soft white bread) to go with it this time, but all in all it was a pleasant international lunch. Thanks to my friend "Kolya" who's getting ready for another year of TESOL in Uzbekistan. Lots of luck to you! The Platypus likes ploff, he's eating the left-overs as we speak...